Peter Maverick {21 months}


  • Size 5 diapers

  • 12-18m clothing is what we have, but it’s all looking small on him — mostly short in the sleeves. Need to get him some 18-24m stuff, but the 24m stuff we DO have seems so big on him 😅 No way to win, I guess!

  • 27.0 pounds (68%) & 32.25 inches (12%)

Notable events

  • Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas all happened in the last quarter, and they were so fun with him being bigger. He knocked a few doors on Halloween before being banished to the stroller (he was too slow walking 🤣), where he mostly enjoyed sucker after sucker as the girls trick-or-treated. At Christmas, he did great opening presents, and he even wanted to help other people open their presents! His favorite gift was probably the camping chair that was his size — he’s always trying to sit in everyone else’s chair when we’re camping!


  • He started holding our hands sometimes! He didn’t do it for the longest time and it was such a bummer haha.

  • Points to all his facial parts when asked, as well as his knees, elbows, and belly button.

  • He doesn’t crawl the stairs at all anymore — he’s always doing this sit-scoot thing to get down, and touching the wall as he walks up.

  • He is talking up a STORM now! He’ll repeat back pretty much anything we say, although not always correctly, of course. He’s saying well over 50 words at this point. Some of our favorites are “love you” “sorry” and “hold you”

  • He folds his arms for prayers.

  • He’s always moving his body — trying to jump, spinning in circles, climbing on the doll house that is in his room.

Favorite things

  • We’ve been working on showing him what hugs and kisses are since he hasn’t done them in a while, and he’s getting better! We all love to be hugged and kissed by Pete!

  • He loves piggy-back rides, and calls them “backpacks” 😂

  • The fun of many toys for him is dumping them out from their container all over the floor, and then not actually playing with them 🤪

  • He really loves a teddy bear of Holly’s (named Scout), and he gives that teddy bear the best hugs and snuggles!! Luckily Holly is not attached to it because Pete sure is! He also calls it “doggy” which is funny and cute.

  • He loves to hit and throw things, which is no fun for anyone else. But if he hits you and you say “OW!” He’ll immediately cuddle you, say “sawee (sorry),” and sort of pat the injured area. Nobody stays mad at him for long!

Random tidbits

  • He started hating his car seat. Not during the drive, just whenever we have to load him in. He always flails and screams and cries and it’s a bummer.

  • A couple months ago he spent a couple hours with his cousins, one of whom is named “Haddie.” We thought it was so cute that he learned to say her name that night! Untillll . . . he immediately started calling Holly “Haddie” and Ada “Addie.” (And then there’s “Daddy,” so thank goodness he didn’t start calling me “MADdie” 🤣) After a lot of correction, he’s back to saying “Ada,” and now he says something more like “Hoddie” for Holly (he’s never said Holly correctly).

  • He was also mixing up who was mama and who was dada for a while there, but that has mostly resolved.


Along with his car seat, he has also started to hate his crib in the last few weeks 🙄 If we ask him if he wants to nap or tell him it’s time to nap, he says, “No!” and very often when we lay him down, he starts crying immediately. Luckily the crying only lasts about 2 minutes, and it’s even lessened in frequency in the last few days. I credit consistency for the decrease!

  • His schedule looks like:

    • ~7/7:30am awake

    • 7:30am out of crib

    • 1-3/3:30pm nap

    • 7:30/8pm down (4.5 hours after I wake him from his nap)

  • Occasionally he wakes before 7, but he’s calm so I still leave him til 7:30. Often I have to wake him AT 7:30 because he’s still sleeping, and if I leave him past 7:30, he won’t sleep for his nap.

  • Usually he falls asleep for his nap within 10 minutes. A few times he has stayed awake through crib90, but only when I’ve let him sleep til 7:45 or 8am. He is definitely my LOW NEEDS sleeper! (For reference, both my girls had barely dropped to one nap at this point, and not only has he been on one nap for 7 months, but I already have to wake him in the morning AND after his nap to preserve the schedule . . . wild!)

  • He falls asleep in about 30 minutes for bed. Even though I typically recommend a schedule where Baby falls asleep in 10-15 minutes, he has taken ~30 minutes for about 9 months now, so I’m not worried about changing things.

  • His schedule in waketimes is approximately 6 / 4.5. His sleep works out to be about 2-2.5 daytime hours, 10.5-11 nighttime hours, and 13 hours total.